Camisha Hopkins, CHN
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
Specializing in ADHD
Certified Detox & Cleanse Specialist
Signed in as:
Camisha Hopkins, CHN
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
Specializing in ADHD
Certified Detox & Cleanse Specialist
I strive to provide clarity & education to help my clients achieve self-compassion & promote healing. I've spent several years learning the biochemistry & physiology formation of healing on a cellular level. Learning how to investigate our body's symptoms, while assessing a client's health history, food habits & lifestyle. Once I can evaluate & determine the root cause, I can establish a pharma-free "care plan" so that you can begin to feel great & build a firm foundation for a healthy life. I believe there is a better solution to taking "pills for ills" & that is to FIX the actual problem. I look at an individual as a whole & am committed to sharing my experience & research in effort to benefit you & hopefully many others.
Our bodies are quite adept at repairing themselves. I recommend methods that aid in our natural abilities with modalities like organic holistic nutrition, detoxification & cellular cleansing, vitamin & mineral supplementation, massage-release point therapy, infrared sauna therapy, organic juicing, chiropractic care, meditation, herbal remedies & so much more!
Many illnesses are caused by the toxins in our foods. Avoiding manufactured ingredients & pesticides reduces the harmful substances entering our bodies. Replacing them with cleaner, more organically grown food & natural plant remedies aids the body in healing itself & preventing future disease.
We are also surrounded by endocrine disruptors which are harmful chemicals that can be found in many consumer products, including cosmetics, food & beverage packaging, toys, carpet, pesticides, & flame retardants. They disrupt our hormone system, leading to a wide range of significant health harms. Contact with these chemicals may occur through air, diet, skin, & water. Endocrine disruptors like BPA & phthalates are found in everything from cleaning products to fragrances. The endocrine system plays a starring role in all phases of development, metabolism, & behavior. Reach out to learn more about how you could avoid them!
It takes courage, understanding & knowledge to begin to heal & that is why it’s my mission to spread hope, inspiration & healing truth. While working with me, I will give you the tools needed to learn to trust yourself & your body & to know that there is a destination to this healing journey. Understand that a diagnosis is not what defines YOU or your destiny. You do not have to accept a lifelong medical sentence. Healing & overcoming really comes down to taking your own power back & oftentimes times we search for the answers outside of ourselves. I am here to help you understand that the answers are right here with you. However, healing is not linear & it’s not always the easiest path as it will have its ups & downs. It will more than likely entail that you participate in a program, protocol, intervention, or a combination of them all. All you need is to encompass a burning desire to want to heal that is stronger than the fear of that “XYZ“ diagnosis. I will encourage you to trust in your body's innate capacity to heal. I’m ready to be your personal health detective to assist & guide you, however, ultimately change & transformation requires commitment from you! But, I know you can do it! I've been so blessed to witness healing among so many through our health journey & lifestyle change.
We will work together to pursue your restoration but in order to do so, we need to get a look at the big picture so labs will be necessary. Your unique situation & symptoms will determine which labs would be needed (these are purchased separately) Most tests are done in the convenience of your own home & results generally take up to 3 weeks. Don’t worry, I will guide you through this simple process.
Once the results are in, we will go over the findings together & begin your personalized protocol which will include multifactorial solutions. I will build your custom lifestyle, therapy & supplementation recommendations, nutrition guidance & meal plans that is comprehensive to what your needs are, plus you will have constant 1:1 communication with me throughout your program.
**Services are private pay only.
**All sessions can be completed virtually via video chat or phone, or by request for in-person at Foundation Healing.
In today's society, we have been brainwashed into believing that our DNA is our destiny. Whatever cards we were dealt by our parents are absolute & there is nothing we can do. However, that is not true for the majority! It is estimated that 70-90% of disease risk is due to the intimate interaction between our genes & environmental exposures.
Genetics loads the gun & environment pulls the trigger!
Think of your genes as a dimming light switch. Our genes can be "turned on, "turned off" or "turned up" based on several factors that influence our internal terrain to either promote homeostasis or dysfunction & disease progression. Disease is a manifestation of imbalances that lead to an outward expression of symptoms. DISEASE IS A COLLECTION OF SYMPTOMS & symptoms are signals from your body that something is out of balance. You can treat those symptoms or get to the root cause.
If you’re experiencing any “illness” whatsoever, please read & understand that “diets & supplements” are not a one-size-fits-all, each person has individual needs & responses to foods, toxins, pharma, deficiencies, viruses, etc.
We have to find OUR healing recipe. Peel back each & every layer & symptom to find the root causes. Nothing worth having comes easily! One thing you will never regret is putting yourself & your children’s health as your priority.
Nourish your whole being with the intention of discovering the root cause of your health symptoms in order to achieve long-term results. My goal for you is a vibrant, full, beautiful life. I believe total healing is well within your reach & I am here & ready to support you, in all ways, on your journey back to health.
As I have begun my journey as a CHN, I have a broad knowledge of many chronic illnesses & conditions, but I found my passion is for the neurological effects of health with a focus on ADHD. Currently, I am only accepting clients with an ADHD diagnosis or who have ADHD tendencies.
Please book under the program that you feel would suit you best.
*I book services for both children ages 6 & up to adults
**Twice a year (January & August) I offer a 28-day Detox program -all the info regarding that is put on my social media platforms during December & June. (these aid in detoxification & cleansing on a cellular level along with the aid of ridding of the spike glycoprotein)
However, feel free to call to get more info or for the dates for programs.
**I do offer a 90-minute general health & nutritional guidance call that will put you on the right track to a healthier lifestyle--please read all the things that we would discuss under my service tab "General Nutritional counseling."
**I love meeting clients at the grocery store to give them some great tips & ways to find better alternatives! Look under services for "Grocery store 101l" for all the info!
**Functional lab requests & interpretations. See the "Test interpretations" tab.
**Great deal! If you are someone who has found your healing recipe but just needs a few quick pointers, I got you! Look under the "Point me in the right direction" service tab & book today for the call!
It is a whole-body approach that uses evidence-based techniques for diet, lifestyle, & detoxification. Instead of focusing on just one aspect of the person, holistic nutrition evaluates the complete health history, emotional state, lifestyle habits, & current diet habits of an individual to determine the root cause of their health issues.
So, someone like me who is certified in holistic nutrition understands the important role that nutrients have on vitality at a cellular level. I work on an individual basis to determine why the body responds poorly to its environment. Thoroughly understanding the complex biochemistry of the body & how nutrients work synergistically to create health, we can identify nutritional requirements & deficiencies that can arise through poor lifestyle choices & illness. By interpreting individual factors, specific recommendations are made to help your body function at its best.
The Fullscript link below is to receive 15% off all the reputable supplements that you may need! If you're not currently a client & would like to take advantage of the discounted prices, please call & I will get an account set up for you!
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Thats ok, because all sessions are completed virtually via zoom or by phone at Foundation Healing.
**WOW!!! Due to the overwhelming amount of interest --I am unable to accept new clients at this time**
If you'd like to be put on the waiting list, please email me @ camisha@foundationhealingllc.com